Munkácsy Mihály Katolikus Általános Iskola Balástya
+36 62/578-131

Angol 6.

Mindig ismételd a szavakat és a rendhagyó igék múlt idejét!

Revision – Unit 3

1.Ismétlés. Ellenőrizd és javítsd a múlt órai feladatokat!

A) We didn’t stay in a caravan. 2. I didn’t watch TV all evening. 3. My dog didn’t play on the beach. 4. Dad didn’t clean the car. 5. They didn’t change their money at the airport. 6. The man didn’t look at my passport.

B) Did he enjoy his holiday? 2.Where did they stay? 3. Did they take their dog? 4. Did you have a picnic on the beach? 5. Did she like the food? 6. When did you arrive in Rome?

C) we did 2. he didn’t 3. she did 4. they didn’t 5. it did 6. they didn’t

Tk. 42/2. a) 2. Where did you go? 3. Did you have a good time? 4. Was the weather good? 5. Did you stay in a hotel? 6. Were there other young people? 7. What did you do there?

2.Ismételjétek át a Unit 3 anyagát: Tk. 32-42. o. Mf. 24-33.o. feladatok, Mf. 68-69.o. – nyelvtani összefoglaló (múlt idő).

Mf. 33.o. I can..

  1. Gyakoroljatok!

Április 30-án, pénteken dolgozatot írtok a Redmenán. 10.00 és 10.30 között lehet kezdeni, 40 percig írhatjátok.